Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This is a piece by my friend Julia, witch will be presented at Stockholm Fringe festival, Stoff between the 24th and the 27th of August, at Kulturhuset. It is a free event! If you are around stockholm- go and see it!!!!!

"Threehundredandsixtyfiveoneminutes is a project that was filmed during 365 days during 2010. The task was to every day capture 1 minute of my life on film.

As a trained dancer, the body and movement became a central part of the project, and as the year went on I was confronted by
more and more questions, on what movement is, and can be, when and why is movement sometimes considered as dance and sometimes not, who sets the rules, the labels on what is dance, what is art? Who and what decides the labels and norms for life in general? And why do we follow these norms or choose to break them?

A problem, question, I encountered in my task of filming my life during a year, was that I couldn't separate what was reality and what was performance, can you be real in front of the camera? Was I really filming my reality, or did I step out from that every time I turned the camera on and create a performance? All these thoughts put their mark on what actually did happen when I was filming.
From initially being a way to preserve time and keep the past in a constant present, the project became a constant reflection on why we do things and where our choices come from, and what is real and what is performance."

The project will be presented as a 12 minute video installation where where the 365 individual videos are shown together in a calendar format, each month at a time.

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